
SEAMARCO verspreidt kennis over zeedieren op de volgende manieren:



Behavioral response studies (Effect of sound on behavior)

"Behavioral and physiological responses of captive beluga whales to playbacks of drilling noise." (1983)
Auteurs: Thomas, J.A., Kastelein, R.A.
Gepubliceerd in: J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 74(SI),S 54 (A).
"Behavior and blood catecholamines of captive Belugas during playbacks of noise from an oil drilling platform." (1990)
Auteurs: Thomas, J.A., Kastelein, R.A., Awbrey, F.T.
Gepubliceerd in: Zoo Biology 9,393-402.
"The effects of acoustic alarms on Harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) behaviour." (1995)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Goodson, A.D., Lien, J., de Haan, D.
Gepubliceerd in: Harbour porpoises, laboratory studies to reduce bycatch (Eds Nachtigall, P.E., Lien, J., Au, W.W.L. and Read, A.J.). De Spil Publishers, Woerden, The Netherlands, 157-167.
"The response of a harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) to nets of various mesh sizes, with and without deterring sound." (1997)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., de Haan, D., Staal, C., Goodson, A.D.
Gepubliceerd in: The biology of the harbour porpoise (Eds. Read, A.J., Wiepkema, P.R. and Nachtigall, P.E.). De Spil Publishers, Woerden, The Netherlands, 385-409.
"The effects of various sounds on a harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena)." (1997)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., de Haan, D., Goodson, A.D., Staal, C., Vaughan, N.
Gepubliceerd in: The biology of the harbour porpoise (Eds. Read, A.J., Wiepkema, P.R. and Nachtigall, P.E.). De Spil Publishers, Woerden, The Netherlands, 367-383.
"The effects of acoustic alarms on the behavior of the harbor porpoises (phocoena phocoena) in a floating pen." (2000)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Rippe, T., Vaughan, N., Schooneman, N.M., Verboom, W.C., de Haan, D.
Gepubliceerd in: Marine Mammal Science 16, 46-64.
"The influence of three acoustic alarms on the behaviour of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) in a floating pen." (2001)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., de Haan, D., Vaughan, N., Staal, C., Schooneman, N.M.
Gepubliceerd in: Marine Environmental Research 52, 351-371.
"The influence of acoustic emissions for underwater data transmission on the behaviour of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) in a floating pen." (2005)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Verboom, W.C., Muijsers, M., Jennings, N.V., van der Heul, S.
Gepubliceerd in: Marine Environmental Research 59, 287-307.
"The influence of underwater data transmission sounds on the displacement of captive harbour seals (Phoca vitulina)." (2006)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., van der Heul, S., Verboom, W.C., Triesscheijn, R.J.V., Vaughan- Jennings, N.
Gepubliceerd in: Marine Environmental Research 61, 19-39.
"Differences in the response of a striped dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba) and a harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) to an acoustic alarm." (2006)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Jennings, N., Verboom, W.C., de Haan, D., Schooneman, N.M.
Gepubliceerd in: Marine Environmental Research 61, 363-378.
"Deterring effects of 8-45 kHz tone pulses on harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) in a large pool." (2006)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., van der Heul, S, Terhune, J.M., Verboom, W.C., Triesscheijn, R.J.V.
Gepubliceerd in: Marine Environmental Research 62, 356-373.
"Effects of acoustic alarms, designed to reduce small cetacean bycatch, on the behaviour of North Sea fish species in a large tank." (2007)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., van der Heul, S, van der Veen, J., Verboom, W.C., Jennings, N., Reijnders P.
Gepubliceerd in: Marine Environmental Research 64, 160-180.
"Startle response of captive North Sea fish species to underwater tones between 0.1 and 64 kHz." (2008)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., van der Heul, S, Verboom, W.C., Jennings, N., van der Veen, J., de Haan, D.
Gepubliceerd in: Marine Environmental Research 65, 369-377.
"Behavioral avoidance threshold level of a harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) for a continuous 50 kHz pure tone (L)." (2008)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Verboom, W.C., Jennings, N., de Haan, D.
Gepubliceerd in: J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 123, 1858-1861. DOI: 10.1121/1.2874557.
"Effect of vibrations on the behavior of cockles (bivalve molluscs)." (2008)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A.
Gepubliceerd in: Bioacoustics 17, 74-75 (abstract).
"Acoustic dose-effect relationships in marine fish." (2008)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., van der Heul, S., Verboom, W.C., de Haan, D., Reijnders, P.
Gepubliceerd in: Bioacoustics 17, 201-202 (abstract).
"The influence of 70 and 120 kHz tonal signals on the behavior of harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) in a floating pen." (2008)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Verboom, W.C., Jennings, N., de Haan, D., van der Heul, S.
Gepubliceerd in: Marine Environmental Research 66, 319-326.
"Effect of broadband-noise masking on the behavioral response of a harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) to 1-s duration 6-7 kHz sonar up-sweeps." (2011)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Steen, N., de Jong, C.A.F., Wensveen, P.J., Verboom, W.C.
Gepubliceerd in: J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 129, 2307-2315.
"Impacts of Anthropogenic Sounds on Phocoena phocoena (Harbor Porpoise)." (2012)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Jennings, N.
Gepubliceerd in: The effects of Noise on Aquatic Life. Eds. A.N. Popper and A. Hawkins). Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, Springer Science +Business Media, 311-315.
"Threshold received sound pressure levels of single 1-2 kHz and 6-7 kHz up-sweeps and down-sweeps causing startle responses in a harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena)." (2012)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Steen, N., Gransier, R., Wensveen, P.J., de Jong, C.A.F.
Gepubliceerd in: J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 131, 2325-2333.
"Brief behavioral response threshold levels of a harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) to five helicopter dipping sonar signals (1.33 to 1.43 kHz)." (2013)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Gransier, R., van den Hoogen, Marjan, Hoek, L.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals 39, 162-173, DOI 10.1578/AM.39.2.2013.162.
"Behavioral responses of a harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) to playbacks of broadband pile driving sounds." (2013)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., van Heerden, D., Gransier, R., Hoek, L.
Gepubliceerd in: Marine Environmental Research 92, 206-214, DOI: 10.1016/j.marenvres.2013.09.020.
"Brief behavioral response threshold level of a harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) to an impulsive sound." (2013)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Steen, N., Gransier, R., de Jong, C.A.F.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals 39, 315-323, DOI 10.1578/AM.39.4.2013.315.
"Effect of series of 1-2 kHz and 6-7 kHz up-sweeps and down-sweeps on the behavior of a harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena)." (2014)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Schop, J., Gransier, R., Steen, N., Jennings, N.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals 40(3), 232-242, DOI 10.1578/AM.40.3.2014.232.
"Temporal structure of sound affects behavioural recovery from noise impact in European seabass." (2014)
Auteurs: Neo, Y.Y., Seitz, J., Kastelein, R.A., Winter, H.V., ten Cate, C., Slabbekoorn, H.
Gepubliceerd in: Biological Conservation 178, 65–73.
"Hearing thresholds of harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) for playbacks of seal scarer signals, and effects of the signals on behavior." (2015)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Helder-Hoek, L., Gransier, R., Terhune, J.M., Jennings, N., de Jong, C.A.F.
Gepubliceerd in: Hydrobiologia 756, 75-88. DOI: 10.1007/s10750-014-2152-6.
"Behavioral responses of a harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) to 25-kHz FM Sonar Signals." (2015)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., van den Belt, I., Helder-Hoek, L., Gransier, R., Johansson, T.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals 41, 311-326. DOI 10.1578/AM.41.3.2015.311.
"Behavioral responses of harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) to sonar signals in the 25-kHz Range." (2015)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Helder-Hoek, L., Janssens, G., Gransier, R., Johansson, T.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals 41, 388-399. DOI 10.1578/AM.41.4.2015.388.
"Behavioral responses of a harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) to 24.5-25.5 kHz sonar down-sweeps with and without side bands." (2015)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., van den Belt, I., Gransier, R., Johansson, T.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals 41, 400-411. DOI 10.1578/AM.41.4.2015.400.
"Hearing thresholds of a harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) for playbacks of seal scarer signals, and effects of the signals on behavior." (2015)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Hoek, L., Gransier, R., de Jong, C.A.F., Terhune, J.M., Jennings, N.
Gepubliceerd in: Hydrobiologia 756, 89-103. DOI 10.1007/s10750-014-2035-x.
"Noise Impact on European Sea Bass Behavior: Temporal Structure Matters." (2016)
Auteurs: Neo, Y. Y., Seitz, J., Kastelein, R.A., Winter, H.V., ten Cate, C., Slabbekoorn, H.
Gepubliceerd in: The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life II, Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 875, Springer Science+Business Media New York 2016 763 (Eds. A.N. Popper, A. Hawkins), 763-766. DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-2981-8_93.
"Behavioral responses of a harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) to sounds from an Acoustic Porpoise Deterrent." (2017)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Huybrechts, J., Covi, J., Helder-Hoek, L.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals, 43, 233-244, DOI 10.1578/AM.43.3.2017.233.
"Behavioral responses of harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) to FaunaGuard Seal Module sounds at two background noise levels." (2017)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Horvers, M., Helder-Hoek, L., Van de Voorde, S., ter Hofstede, R., van der Meij, H.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals 43, 347-363, DOI 10.1578/AM.43.4.2017.347.
"Acoustic dose-behavioral response relationship in sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) exposed to playbacks of pile driving sounds." (2017)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Jennings, N., Kommeren, A., Helder-Hoek, L., Schop, J.
Gepubliceerd in: Marine Environmental Research 130, 315-324 DOI: 10.1016/j.marenvres.2017.08.010.
"Spatial avoidance to experimental increase of intermittent and continuous sound in two captive harbour porpoises." (2018)
Auteurs: Kok, A.C.M., Pamela Engelberts, J.P., Kastelein, R.A., Helder-Hoek, L., Van de Voorde, S., Visser, F., Slabbekoorn, H.
Gepubliceerd in: Environmental Pollution 233 (2018) 1024e1036.
"Swimming speed of a harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) during playbacks of pile driving sounds." (2018)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Van de Voorde, S., Jennings, N.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals, 44, 92-99, DOI 10.1578/AM.44.1.2018.92.
"Behavioral responses of harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) to sonar playback sequences of sweeps and tones (3.5-4.1 kHz)." (2018)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Helder-Hoek, L., Van de Voorde, S., de Winter, S., Janssen, S., Ainslie, M.A.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals 44(4), 402-417.DOI 10.1578/AM.44.4.2018.389.
"Behavioral Responses of Harbor Porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) to U.S. Navy 53C Sonar Signals in Noise." (2019)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Ainslie, M.A., van Kester, R.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals, 45(4), 359-366, DOI 10.1578/AM.45.4.2019.359.
"Effect of pile-driving playback sound level on fish-catching efficiency in harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena)." (2019)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Huijser, L. A. E., Cornelisse, S., Helder-Hoek, L., Jennings, N., de Jong, C.A.F.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals 2019, 45(4), 398-410, DOI 10.1578/AM.45.4.2019.398.
"Behavioral responses of a harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) to a series of four different simulated low-frequency sonar sounds (1.33-1.43 kHz)." (2019)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Verhoeven, A., Helder-Hoek, L.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals, 45(6), 632-645, DOI 10.1578/AM.45.6.2019.632.
"Effect of a bubble screen on the behavioral responses of captive harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) exposed to airgun sounds." (2019)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., von Benda-Beckmann, A.M., Lam, F-P. A., Jansen, E., de Jong, C.A.F.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals 45(6), 706-716, DOI 10.1578/AM.45.6.2019.706.
"Behavioral responses of a harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) depend on the frequency content of pile-driving sounds." (2022)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., De Jong, C.A.F., Tougaard, J., Helder-Hoek, L., Defillet, L.N.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals, 48(2), 97-109, DOI 10.1578/AM.48.2.2022.97.
"Atlantic Green Turtles and Hawksbill Turtles: Behavioral Responses to Sound.." (2023)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Smink, A., Jennings, N.
Gepubliceerd in: The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life, Springer Nature Switzerland AG (A. N. Popper et al., eds.).


"Low-frequency underwater hearing sensitivity in belugas, Delphinapterus leucas." (1988)
Auteurs: Awbrey, F.T., Thomas, J.A., Kastelein, R.A.
Gepubliceerd in: J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 84, 2273-2275.
"Free field hearing tests on wild Atlantic walruses (Odobenus rosmarus rosmarus) in air." (1993)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Van Ligtenberg, C.L., Gjertz, I. and Verboom, W.C.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals 19, 143-148.
"Aerial hearing sensitivity tests with a male Pacific walrus (Odobenus rosmarus divergens), in the free field and with headphones." (1996)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Mosterd, P., Ligtenberg, C.L., van and Verboom, W.C.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals 22, 81-93.
"Detection of bone conductor signals by a harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena): a pilot study." (1997)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Kaay, L.S.P. van der, Staal, C., Schooneman, N.M., Ligtenberg, C.L. van
Gepubliceerd in: The biology of the harbour porpoise (Eds. Read, A.J., Wiepkema, P.R. and Nachtigall, P.E.). De Spil Publishers, Woerden, The Netherlands, 313-327.
"Low-frequency aerial hearing of a harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena)." (1997)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Nieuwstraten, S.H., Staal, C., Ligtenberg, C.L. van, Versteegh, D.
Gepubliceerd in: The biology of the harbour porpoise (Eds. Read, A.J., Wiepkema, P.R. and Nachtigall, P.E.). De Spil Publishers, Woerden, The Netherlands, 295-312.
"Audiogram of a harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) measured with narrow-band frequency-modulated signals." (2002)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Bunskoek, P., Hagedoorn, M., Au, W.W.L., de Haan, D.
Gepubliceerd in: J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 112, 334-344.
"Underwater audiogram of a Pacific walrus (Odobenus rosmarus divergens) measured with narrow-band frequency-modulated signals." (2002)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Mosterd, P., van Santen, B., Hagedoorn, M., de Haan, D.
Gepubliceerd in: J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 112, 2173-2182.
"Audiogram of a striped dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba)." (2003)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Hagedoorn, M., Au, W.W.L., de Haan, D.
Gepubliceerd in: Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 113(2), 1130-1137.
"Receiving beam patterns in the horizontal plane of a harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena)." (2005)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Janssen, M., Verboom, W.C., de Haan, D.
Gepubliceerd in: J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 118, 1172-1179.
"Underwater hearing sensitivity of a male and a female Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus)." (2005)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., van Schie, R., Verboom, W.C., C and de Haan, D.
Gepubliceerd in: J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 118, 1820-1829.
"The influence of signal parameters on the sound source localization ability of a harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena)." (2007)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., de Haan, D., Verboom, W.C.
Gepubliceerd in: J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 122, 1238-1248.
"Effect of two levels of masking noise on the hearing threshold of a harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) for a 4.0 kHz signal." (2008)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Wensveen, P.J.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals 34, 420-425. DOI 10.1578/AM.34.4.2008.420.
"Underwater detection of tonal signals between 0.125 and 100 kHz by harbor seals (Phoca vitulina)." (2009)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Wensveen, P.J., Hoek, L., Verboom, W.C., Terhune, J.M.
Gepubliceerd in: J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 125, 1222-1229. DOI: 10.1121/1.3050283.
"Underwater hearing sensitivity of harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) for narrow noise bands between 0.2 and 80 kHz." (2009)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Wensveen, P.J., Hoek, L., Verboom, W.C., Terhune, J.M.
Gepubliceerd in: J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 126, 476-483. DOI: 10.1121/1.3132522.
"Critical ratios in harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) for tonal signals between 0.315 and 150 kHz in random Gaussian white noise." (2009)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Wensveen, P.J., Hoek, L., Au, W.W.L., Terhune, J.M., de Jong, C.A.F.
Gepubliceerd in: J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 126, 1588-1597.
"The effect of signal duration on the underwater detection thresholds of a harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) for single frequency-modulated tonal signals between 0.25 and 160 kHz." (2010)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Hoek, L., de Jong, C.A.F., Wensveen, P.J.
Gepubliceerd in: J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 128, 3211-3222.
"The effect of signal duration on the underwater hearing thresholds of two harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) for single tonal signals between 0.2 and 40 kHz." (2010)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Hoek, L., Wensveen, P.J., Terhune, J.M., de Jong, C.A.F.
Gepubliceerd in: JASA, 127, 1135-1145. DOI: 10.1121/1.3283019.
"Hearing thresholds of a harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) for sweeps (1-2 kHz and 6-7 kHz bands) mimicking naval sonar signals." (2011)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Hoek, L., de Jong, C.A.F.
Gepubliceerd in: J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 129, 3393-3399.
"Hearing thresholds of a harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) for helicopter dipping sonar signals (1.43-1.33 kHz) (L)." (2011)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Hoek, L., de Jong, C.A.F.
Gepubliceerd in: J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 130, 679-682. DOI: 10.1121/1.3605541.
"Near-threshold equal-loudness contours for harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) derived from reaction times during underwater audiometry: a preliminary study." (2011)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Wensveen, P.J., Terhune, J.M., de Jong, C.A.F.
Gepubliceerd in: J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 129, 488-495. DOI: 10.1121/1.3518779.
"The hearing threshold of a harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) for impulsive sounds (L)." (2012)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Gransier, R., Hoek, L., de Jong, C.A.F.
Gepubliceerd in: J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 132, 607-610.
"Hearing threshold shifts and recovery in harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) after octave-band noise exposure at 4 kHz." (2012)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Gransier, R., Hoek, L., Macleod, A., Terhune, J.M.
Gepubliceerd in: J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 132, 2745-2761.
"Temporary threshold shifts and recovery in a harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) after octave-band noise at 4 kHz." (2012)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Gransier, R., Hoek, L., Olthuis, J.
Gepubliceerd in: J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 132, 3525-3537.
"Hearing frequency thresholds of a harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) temporarily affected by a continuous 1.5 kHz tone." (2013)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Gransier, R., Hoek, L., Rambags, M.
Gepubliceerd in: J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 134, 2286-2292.
"Comparative temporary threshold shifts in a harbor porpoise and harbor seal, and severe shift in a seal (L)." (2013)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Gransier, R., Hoek, L.
Gepubliceerd in: J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 134(1), 13-16.
"Hearing thresholds of two harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) for playbacks of multiple pile driving strike sounds." (2013)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Hoek, L., Gransier, R., de Jong, C.A.F., Jennings, N.
Gepubliceerd in: J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 134, 2307-2312.
"Hearing thresholds of a harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) for playbacks of multiple pile driving strike sounds." (2013)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Hoek, L., Gransier, R., de Jong, C.A.F.
Gepubliceerd in: J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 134, 2302-2306.
"Equal latency contours and auditory weighting functions for the harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena)." (2014)
Auteurs: Wensveen, P.J., Huijser, L.A.E., Hoek, L., Kastelein, R.A.
Gepubliceerd in: J. Exp. Biol. 217, 1-11 DOI:10.1242/jeb.091983.
"Effect of level, duration, and inter-pulse interval of 1-2 kHz sonar signal exposures on harbor porpoise hearing." (2014)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Hoek, L., Gransier, R., Rambags, M., Claeys, N.
Gepubliceerd in: J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 136, 412-422.
"Frequency of greatest temporary hearing threshold shift in harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) depends on the noise level." (2014)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Schop, J., Gransier, R., Hoek, L.
Gepubliceerd in: J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 136, 1410-1418, DOI: 10.1121/1.4892794.
"Hearing thresholds of harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) for playbacks of seal scarer signals, and effects of the signals on behavior." (2015)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Helder-Hoek, L., Gransier, R., Terhune, J.M., Jennings, N., de Jong, C.A.F.
Gepubliceerd in: Hydrobiologia 756, 89-103. DOI 10.1007/s10750-014-2035-x.
"Hearing frequencies of a harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) temporarily affected by played back offshore pile driving sounds." (2015)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Gransier, R., Marijt, M. A.T., Hoek, L.
Gepubliceerd in: J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 137, 556–564, DOI: 10.1121/1.4906261.
"Effect of intermittent and continuous 6-7 kHz sonar sweep exposures on harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) hearing." (2015)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Gransier, R., Schop, J., Hoek, L.
Gepubliceerd in: J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 137, 1623-1633. DOI: 10.1121/1.4916590.
"Hearing thresholds of a harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) for playbacks of seal scarer signals, and effects of the signals on behavior." (2015)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Hoek, L., Gransier, R., de Jong, C.A.F., Terhune, J.M., Jennings, N.
Gepubliceerd in: Hydrobiologia 756, 89-103. DOI 10.1007/s10750-014-2035-x.
"Assessing the Impact of Underwater Clearance of Unexploded Ordnance on Harbour Porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) in the Southern North Sea." (2015)
Auteurs: von Benda-Beckmann, A.M., Aarts, G., Sertlek, H.O., Lucke, C., Verboom, W.C., Kastelein, R.A., Ketten, D.R., van Bemmelen, R., Lam, F-P, Kirkwood, R.J., Ainslie, M.A.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals 41, 503-523. DOI 10.1578/AM.41.4.2015.503.
"Hearing thresholds of a harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) for narrow-band sweeps." (2015)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Schop, J., Hoek, L., Covi, J.
Gepubliceerd in: J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 138, 2508–2512.
"Conditioned hearing sensitivity change in the harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena)." (2016)
Auteurs: Nachtigall, P.E., Supin, A. Ya. Pacini, A.F., Kastelein, R.A.
Gepubliceerd in: J. Acoust. Soc.Am. 140, 960–967. DOI: 10.1121/1.4960783.
"Pile driving playback sounds and temporary threshold shift in harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena): Effect of exposure duration." (2016)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Helder-Hoek, L., Covi, J., Gransier, R.
Gepubliceerd in: J. Acoust. Soc. Am. Am. 139, 2842-2851.
"The Cumulative Effects of Exposure to Continuous and Intermittent Sounds on Temporary Hearing Threshold Shifts Induced in a Harbor Porpoise (Phocoena phocoena)." (2016)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Hoek, L., Gransier, R.
Gepubliceerd in: The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life II, Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 875, Springer Science+Business Media New York 2016 763 (Eds. A.N. Popper, A. Hawkins), 523-528. DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-2981-8_93.
"Hearing thresholds of a male and a female harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena)." (2017)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Helder-Hoek, L., Van de Voorde, S.
Gepubliceerd in: J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 142, 1006–1010.
"Effects of exposure to 53-C sonar playback sounds (3.5-4.1 kHz) on harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) hearing." (2017)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Helder-Hoek, L., Van de Voorde, S.
Gepubliceerd in: J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 142, 1965–1975.
"Temporary hearing threshold shift in a harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) after exposure to multiple airgun sounds." (2017)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Helder-Hoek, L., Van de Voorde, S., von Benda-Beckmann, A.M., Lam, F-P. A., Jansen, E., de Jong, C.A.F., Ainslie, M.A.
Gepubliceerd in: J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 142, 2430-2442. DOI: 10.1121/1.5007720.
"Four odontocete species change hearing levels when warned of impending loud sound." (2018)
Auteurs: Nachtigall, P.E., Supin, A. Ya., Pacini, A.F., Kastelein, R.A.
Gepubliceerd in: Integrative Zoology 13, 2–20. doi: 10.1111/1749-4877.12286.
"Effect of pile driving sounds on harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) hearing." (2018)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Hoek, L., Kommeren, A., Covi, J., Gransier, R.
Gepubliceerd in: J. Acoust. Soc. 143, 3583–3594. DOI: 10.1121/1.5040493.
"Hearing thresholds, for underwater sounds, of harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) at the water surface." (2018)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Helder-Hoek, L., Terhune, J.M.
Gepubliceerd in: J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 143, 2554-2563.
"Temporary hearing threshold shift in harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) due to one-sixth-octave noise band at 32 kHz." (2019)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Helder-Hoek, L., Cornelisse, S.A., Huijser, L.A.E., Gransier, R.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals, 45(5), 549-562, DOI 10.1578/AM.45.5.2019.549.
"Hearing thresholds of two harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) for helicopter dipping sonar signals (1.3-1.4 kHz)." (2019)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Gransier, R., Brouwers, M., Helder-Hoek, L.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals, 45(3), 349-355, DOI 10.1578/AM.45.3.2019.349.
"Frequency of greatest temporary threshold shift in harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) depends on the fatiguing sound level." (2019)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Helder-Hoek, L., Gransier, R.
Gepubliceerd in: J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 145, 1353-1362.
"Temporary hearing threshold shift in harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) due to a one-sixth-octave noise band centered at 16 kHz." (2019)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Helder-Hoek, L., Cornelisse, S.A., Huijser, L.A.E., Terhune, J.M.
Gepubliceerd in: J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 146, 3113–3122, DOI 10.1121/1.5130385.
"Temporary hearing threshold shift in harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) due to one-sixth-octave noise band at 16 kHz." (2020)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Helder-Hoek, L., van Kester, R., Huisman, R., Gransier, R.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals 45, 280-292, DOI 10.1578/AM.45.3.2019.280.
"Temporary hearing threshold shift at ecologically relevant frequencies in a harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) due to exposure to a noise band centered at 88.4 kHz." (2020)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Helder-Hoek, L., Cornelisse, S.A., Huijser, L.A.E., Gransier, R.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals, 46(5), 444-453, DOI 10.1578/AM.46.5.2020.444.
"Temporary threshold shift in a second harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) after exposure to a noise band at 1.5 kHz and a 6.5 kHz continuous wave." (2020)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Helder-Hoek, L., Cornelisse, S.A., Defillet, L.N., Huijser, L.A.E.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals, 46(5), 431-443, DOI 10.1578/AM.46.5.2020.431.
"Temporary hearing threshold shift in harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) due to one-sixth-octave noise bands centered at 0.5, 1, and 2 kHz." (2020)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Helder-Hoek, L., Cornelisse, S.A., Defillet, L. N., Huijser, L.A.E., Terhune, J.M.
Gepubliceerd in: J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 148 (6), 3873-3885, DOI 10.1121/10.0002781.
"Temporary hearing threshold shift in harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) due to a one-sixth-octave noise band centered at 40 kHz." (2020)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Parlog, C., Helder-Hoek, L., Cornelisse, S.A., Huijser, L.A.E., Terhune, J.M.
Gepubliceerd in: J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 147 (3), 1966-1976. DOI 10.1121/10.0000908.
"Temporary hearing threshold shift in harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) due to a one-sixth-octave noise band centered at 32 kHz." (2020)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Helder-Hoek, L., Cornelisse, S.A., Huijser, L.A.E., Terhune, J.M.
Gepubliceerd in: J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 147 (3), 1885-1896. DOI 10.1121/10.0000889.
"Temporary hearing threshold shift in harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) due to one-sixth-octave noise bands at 63 kHz." (2020)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Cornelisse, S.A., Huijser, L.A.E., Helder-Hoek, L.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals 46(2), 167-182, DOI 10.1578/AM.46.2.2020.167.
"Lack of reproducibility of temporary hearing threshold shifts in a harbor porpoise after exposure to repeated airgun sounds." (2020)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Helder-Hoek, L., Cornelisse, S.A., von Benda-Beckmann, A.M., Lam, F-P. A., de Jong, C.A.F., Ketten, D.R.
Gepubliceerd in: J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 148 (2), 556–565.
"Masking release at 4 kHz in harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) associated with sinusoidal amplitude-modulated masking noise." (2021)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Helder-Hoek, L., Covi, J., Terhune, J.M., Klump, G.
Gepubliceerd in: The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 150, 1721-1732, doi: 10.1121/10.0006103.
"Temporary hearing threshold shift in California sea lions (Zalophus californianus) due to one-sixth-octave noise bands centered at 2 and 4 kHz: effect of duty cycle and testing the equal-energy hypothesis." (2021)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Helder-Hoek, L., Defillet, L. N., Huijser, L.A.E., Terhune, J.M., Gransier, R.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals, 47(4), 394-418, DOI 10.1578/AM.47.4.2021.394.
"Temporary hearing threshold shift in a harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) due to exposure to a continuous one-sixth-octave noise band centered at 0.5 kHz." (2021)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Helder-Hoek, L., Cornelisse, S.A., Defillet, L. N., Huijser, L.A.E., Gransier, R.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals, 47(2) 135-145, DOI 10.1578/AM.47.2.2021.135.
"Evaluation of kurtosis-corrected sound exposure level as a metric for predicting onset of hearing threshold shifts in harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena)." (2022)
Auteurs: von Benda-Beckmann, A.M., Ketten, D. R., Lam, F. P. A., de Jong, C. A. F., Muller, R. A. J., Kastelein, R.A.
Gepubliceerd in: J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 152 (1), 295–301.
"Temporary hearing threshold shift in California sea lions (Zalophus californianus) due to one-sixth-octave noise bands centered at 0.6 and 1 kHz." (2022)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Helder-Hoek, L., L., Defillet, L.N. Van Acoleyen, L. Huijser, L.A.E., Terhune, J.M.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals 48(3), 248-265, DOI 10.1578/AM.48.3.2022.248.
"Temporary hearing threshold shift in California sea lions (Zalophus californianus) due to one-sixth-octave noise bands centered at 8 and 16 kHz: Effect of duty cycle and testing the equal-energy hypothesis." (2022)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Helder-Hoek, L., Defillet, L.N., Kuiphof, F., Huijser, L.A.E., Terhune, J.M.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals, 48(1), 36-58, DOI 10.1578/AM.48.1.2022.36.
"Underwater sound detection thresholds (0.031-80 kHz) of two California sea lions (Zalophus californianus) and a revised generic audiogram for the species." (2023)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Helder-Hoek, L., Van Acoleyen, L., Defillet, L.N., Huijser, L.A.E., Terhune, J.M.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals 49(5), 422-435.
"Masking release at 4 and 32 kHz in harbor seals associated with sinusoidal amplitude-modulated masking noise." (2023)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Helder-Hoek, L., Defillet, L.N., Terhune, J. M., Beutelmann, R., Klump, G. M.
Gepubliceerd in: J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 154 (1), 81–94.
"Temporary hearing threshold shift and testing the equal-energy hypothesis in a harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) after exposure to a continuous noise band at 8 kHz, and a revised TTS-onset function." (2024)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Helder-Hoek, L., Van Acoleyen, L., Defillet, L.N., Terhune, J.M.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals, 50(5), 445-459.
"Susceptibility of harbor porpoise hearing to intermittent sound exposures. Springer Nature Switzerland AG. A. N. Popper et al. (eds.)." (2024)
Auteurs: von Benda-Beckmann, A.M., Kastelein, R.A., Lam, F-P. A., de Jong, C.A.F., Wensveen, P.J., Ketten, D.R.
Gepubliceerd in: The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life, 1-25.
"Similar susceptibility to temporary hearing threshold shifts despite different audiograms in harbor porpoises and harbor seals." (2024)
Auteurs: Gransier, R., Kastelein, R.A.
Gepubliceerd in: J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 155, 396–404.


"Echolocation signals of Harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) in light and complete darkness." (1995)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Nieuwstraten, S.H., Verboom, W.C.
Gepubliceerd in: Harbour porpoises, laboratory studies to reduce bycatch (Eds Nachtigall, P.E., Lien, J., Au, W.W.L. and Read, A.J.). De Spil Publishers, Woerden, The Netherlands, 55-67.
"Source Levels and echolocation signal characteristics of juvenile Harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) in a pool." (1995)
Auteurs: Goodson, A.D., Kastelein, R.A., Sturtivant, C.R.
Gepubliceerd in: Harbour porpoises, laboratory studies to reduce bycatch (Eds Nachtigall, P.E., Lien, J., Au, W.W.L. and Read, A.J.). De Spil Publishers, Woerden, The Netherlands, 41-53.
"Acoustic signals by Harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena)." (1995)
Auteurs: Verboom, W.C., Kastelein, R.A.
Gepubliceerd in: Harbour porpoises, laboratory studies to reduce bycatch (Eds Nachtigall, P.E., Lien, J., Au, W.W.L. and Read, A.J.). De Spil Publishers, Woerden, The Netherlands, 1-39.
"The ability of a harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) to discriminate between objects buried in sand." (1997)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Schooneman, N.M., Au, W.W.L., Verboom, W.C., Vaughan, N.
Gepubliceerd in: The biology of the harbour porpoise (Eds. Read, A.J., Wiepkema, P.R. and Nachtigall, P.E.). De Spil Publishers, Woerden, The Netherlands, 329-342.
"Structure of harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) click train signals." (1997)
Auteurs: Verboom, W.C., Kastelein, R.A.
Gepubliceerd in: The biology of the harbour porpoise (Eds. Read, A.J., Wiepkema, P.R. and Nachtigall, P.E.). De Spil Publishers, Woerden, The Netherlands, 343-362.
"Target detection by an echolocating harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena)." (1999)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Au, W.W.L., Rippe, H.T., Schooneman, N.M.
Gepubliceerd in: J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 105, 2493-2498..
"Transmission beam pattern and echolocation signals of a harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena)." (1999)
Auteurs: Au, W.W.L., Kastelein, R.A., Rippe, H.T., Schooneman, N.M.
Gepubliceerd in: J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 106, 3699-3705.
"Detection distances of bottom-set gillnets by harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) and bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus)." (2000)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Au, W.W.L., de Haan, D.
Gepubliceerd in: Marine Environmental Research 49, 359-375.
"Characteristics of echolocation signals used by a harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) in a target detection experiment." (2002)
Auteurs: Teilmann, J., Miller, L.A., Kirketerp, T., Kastelein, R.A., Madsen, P.T., Nielsen, B.K., Au, W.W.L.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals, 28, 275-284.
"Structure of harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) acoustic signals with high repetition rates." (2004)
Auteurs: Verboom, W.C., Kastelein, R.A.
Gepubliceerd in: Echolocation in Bats and Dolphins. Eds. J.A. Thomas, C.F. Moss and M. Vater. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 40-43.
"Testing the odontocete acoustic prey debilitation hypothesis: No stunning results." (2006)
Auteurs: Benoit-Bird, K.J., Au, W.W.L., Kastelein, R.A.
Gepubliceerd in: J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 120, 1118-1123.
"Acoustic radiation from the head of echolocating harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena)." (2006)
Auteurs: Au, W.W.L., Kastelein, R.A., Benoit-Bird, K.J., Cranford, T.W., McKenna, M.F.
Gepubliceerd in: J. of Exp. Biol. 209, 2726-2733.
"Modeling the detection range of fish by echolocating bottlenose dolphins and harbor porpoises." (2007)
Auteurs: Au, W.W.L., Benoit-Bird, K.J., Kastelein, R.A.
Gepubliceerd in: J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 121, 3954-3962.
"Number and duration of echolocation click trains produced by a harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) in relation to target and performance (L.)." (2008)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Verlaan, M., Jennings, N.
Gepubliceerd in: J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 124, 40-43. DOI: 10.1121/1.2924132.
"Acoustic basis for fish prey discrimination by echolocating dolphins and porpoises." (2009)
Auteurs: Au, W.W.L., Branstetter, B.K., Benoit-Bird, K.J., Kastelein, R.A.
Gepubliceerd in: J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 126, 460-467.
"Acoustic reflectivity of a harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena)." (2019)
Auteurs: Au, W.W. L., Kastelein, R.A., Helder-Hoek, L.
Gepubliceerd in: J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 146 (4), 2475–2481.


"Airborne vocalizations of Pacific walrus pups (Odobenus rosmarus divergens)." (1995)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Postma, J., Verboom, W.C.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals, 48(1), 36-58.
"Rutting whistles of a male Pacific walrus (Odobenus rosmarus divergens)." (1995)
Auteurs: Verboom, W.C., Kastelein, R.A.
Gepubliceerd in: Sensory Systems of Aquatic Mammals (Eds. Kastelein, R.A., Thomas, J.A. and Nachtigall, P.E.). De Spil Publishers, Woerden, The Netherlands.

Anatomy & morphology

"Marginal papillae on the tongue of Harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena), Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) and the Commerson's dolphin (Cephalorhynchus commersonii)." (1990)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Dubbeldam, J.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals 15,158-170.
"Anatomical and histological characteristics of the eyes of a month-old and adult Harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena)." (1990)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Zweypfenning, R.C.V.J., Spekreijse, H.
Gepubliceerd in: Sensory abilities of cetaceans/Laboratory and field evidence (Eds. J.A. Thomas and R.A. Kastelein) Plenum Press, New York,463-480.
"The relationship between body weight and morphological measurements in Harbour Porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) from the North Sea." (1990)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., van Battum, R.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals 16, 48-52.
"The suckling of a Bottlenose dolphin calf (Tursiops truncatus) by a foster mother, and information on transverse birth bands." (1990)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Dokter, T., Zwart, P.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals 16,134-138.
"The anatomy of the Walrus head (Odobenus rosmarus). Part I: The skull." (1990)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Gerrits, N. M.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals 16,101-119.
"The anatomy of the Walrus head (Odobenus rosmarus) Part 2: Description of the muscles and of their role in feeding and haul-out behaviour." (1991)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Gerrits, N. M., Dubbeldam, J. L.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals 17,156-180.
"Foreign bodies in the stomach of a female Harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) from the North Sea." (1992)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Lavaleije, M.S.S.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals 18, 40-46.
"The anatomy of the Walrus head (Odobenus rosmarus). Part 3: The eyes and their function in Walrus ecology." (1993)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Zweipfenning, R.C.V.J., Spekreijse, H., Dubbeldam, J.L., Born, E.W.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals 19, 61-92.
"The anatomy of the walrus head (Odobenus rosmarus). Part 4: The ears and their function in aerial and underwater hearing." (1996)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Dubbeldam, J.L., de Bakker, M.A.G., Gerrits, N.M.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals 22, 95-125.
"Blubber thickness in harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena)." (1997)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Sijs, S.J. van der, Staal, C., Nieuwstraten, S.H.
Gepubliceerd in: The biology of the harbour porpoise (Eds. Read, A.J., Wiepkema, P.R. and Nachtigall, P.E.). De Spil Publishers, Woerden, The Netherlands, 179-199.
"An anatomical atlas of an adult female harbour porpoise." (1997)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Dubbeldam, J. L., Luksenburg, J., Staal, C., Immerseel, F.
Gepubliceerd in: The biology of the harbour porpoise (Eds. Read, A.J., Wiepkema, P.R. and Nachtigall, P.E.). De Spil Publishers, Woerden, The Netherlands, 87-178.
"The anatomy of the walrus head (Odobenus rosmarus). Part 5: The tongue and its function in walrus ecology." (1997)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Dubbeldam, J. L., de Bakker, M.A.G.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals 23, 29-47.
"Histology of the grooved ventral pouch of the minke whale, Balaenoptera acutorostrata, with special reference to the occurrence of lamellated corpuscles." (1997)
Auteurs: de Bakker, M.A.G., Kastelein, R.A., Dubbeldam, J. L.
Gepubliceerd in: Can. J. Zool. 75, 563.
"A case study of congenital diaphragmatic hernia in a juvenile striped dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba)." (2009)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., van Dooren, M. F., Tibboel, D.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals 35, 32-35.
"Reversible bending of the dorsal fins of harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) and a striped dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba) in captivity." (2016)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Triesscheijn, R.J.V., Jennings, N.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals, 42(2),218-226, DOI 10.1578/AM.42.2.2016.218.


"Case study of the neonatal period of a Grey Seal pup (Halichoerus grypus) in captivity." (1988)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Wiepkema, P.R.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals, 14.1, 33-38.
"The suckling period of a Grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) while confined to an outdoor land area." (1990)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Wiepkema, P.R.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals 16(3),120-128.
"The suckling of a Bottlenose dolphin calf (Tursiops truncatus) by a foster mother, and information on transverse birth bands." (1990)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Dokter, T., P. Zwart
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals 16(3),134-138.
"Swimming, diving, and respiration patterns of a Northern bottlenose whale (Hyperoodon ampullatus, Forster, 1770)." (1991)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Gerrits, N.M.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals, 17(1), 20-30.
"The suckling period of a Grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) while the mother had access to a pool." (1991)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Wiepkema, P.R., Vaughan, N.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals, 17(1),42-51.
"Behaviour of Harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) in response to ropes. In: Harbour porpoises, laboratory studies to reduce bycatch (Eds Nachtigall, P.E., Lien, J., Au, W.W.L. and Read, A.J.)." (1995)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., de Haan, D., Staal, C.
Gepubliceerd in: De Spil Publishers, Woerden, The Netherlands, 69-90.
"Entanglement of Harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) in fishing nets." (1995)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., de Haan, D., Staal, C., Nieuwstraten, S.H., Verboom, W.C.
Gepubliceerd in: Harbour porpoises, laboratory studies to reduce bycatch (Eds Nachtigall, P.E., Lien, J., Au, W.W.L. and Read, A.J.). De Spil Publishers, Woerden, The Netherlands, 91-156.
"Fishing technique development in a newly weaned Grey seal (Halichoerus grypus)." (1995)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Staal, C., Wiepkema, P.R.
Gepubliceerd in: Sensory Systems of Aquatic Mammals (Eds. Kastelein, R.A., Thomas, J.A. and Nachtigall, P.E.). De Spil Publishers, Woerden, The Netherlands.
"Detailed observations of suckling behaviour of a Grey seal." (1995)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Groenenberg, H.J., Wiepkema, P.R.
Gepubliceerd in: Int. Zoo Yb. 34, 186-200.
"Drinking speed of Pacific walrus (Odobenus rosmarus divergens) pups." (1996)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Postma, J., Rossum, T., Wiepkema, P.R.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals 22(1), 21-26.
"Swimming behaviour of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) under different conditions in human care." (1997)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Staal, C.
Gepubliceerd in: The biology of the harbour porpoise (Eds. Read, A.J., Wiepkema, P.R. and Nachtigall, P.E.). De Spil Publishers, Woerden, The Netherlands, 235-253.
"Behaviour and Physiological effects of transmitter attachments on a captive harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena)." (2004)
Auteurs: Geertsen, B.M., Teilmann, J., Kastelein, R.A., Vlemmix, H.N.J., Miller, L.A.
Gepubliceerd in: J. Cetacean Research Management 6(2), 139-146.
"Behavior and body mass changes of a mother and calf Pacific walrus (Odobenus rosmarus divergens) during the suckling period." (2015)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., van den Belt, I., Jennings, N., de Kruijf, R.
Gepubliceerd in: Zoo Biology 34, 9–19.
"White-beaked dolphins (Lagenorhynchus albirostris) cooperating with humans and showing altruism toward harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena)." (2022)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Jennings, N., Huijser, L.A.E.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals 48(1), 75-82, DOI 10.1578/AM.48.1.2022.75.


"Behavioral, pathomorphological, and clinical observations of a young harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) with congenital hemihydranencephaly." (2022)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Kik, M. J. L, Huijser, L. A. E.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals, 48(4), 314-323, DOI 10.1578/AM.48.4.2022.314.


"Oral suction of a Pacific walrus (Odobenus rosmarus divergens) in air and under water." (1994)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Muller, M., Terlouw, A.
Gepubliceerd in: Z. Säugetierkunde 59, 105-115.
"Pressure changes in the mouth of a feeding harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena)." (1997)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Staal, C., Terlouw, A., Muller, M.
Gepubliceerd in: The biology of the harbour porpoise (Eds. Read, A.J., Wiepkema, P.R. and Nachtigall, P.E.). De Spil Publishers, Woerden, The Netherlands, 279-291.

Co-editorship of books

"Sensory abilities of cetaceans/laboratory and field evidence." (1990)
Auteurs: Thomas, J.A., Kastelein, R.A.
Gepubliceerd in: Plenum Press, New York. pp 710.
"Sensory Systems of Marine Mammals." (1992)
Auteurs: Thomas, J.A., Kastelein, R.A., A. Supin
Gepubliceerd in: Plenum Press, New York. pp. 773.
"Sensory systems of Aquatic Mammals." (1995)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Thomas, J.A., P.E. Nachtigall
Gepubliceerd in: De Spil Publishers, Woerden, pp. 588.


"Cognition and decision-making by a California Sea Lion (Zalophus californianus) in visual discrimination tests." (1992)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Mosterd, P., Vaughan, N.
Gepubliceerd in: Sensory Systems of Marine Mammals (Eds. J.A. Thomas, R.A. Kastelein and A. Supin) Plenum Press, New York. pp. 685-700.
"Working memory of a California sea lion (Zalophus californianus) for the 2 choice location of a 2-dimensional black stimulus." (1995)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Herremans, A. H. J., Nieuwstraten, S. H., Wiepkema, P. R.
Gepubliceerd in: Sensory Systems of Aquatic Mammals (Eds. Kastelein, R.A., Thomas, J.A. and Nachtigall, P.E.). De Spil Publishers, Woerden, The Netherlands.


"Observations of Commerson's dolphin and other cetaceans in southern Chile, January-February 1984." (1988)
Auteurs: Leatherwood, J., Kastelein, R.A., K. Miller.
Gepubliceerd in: I.W.C. meeting Eastborne, May 1984. SC/36/SM8:71-84.
"Studies of Commerson's dolphins, Cephalorhynchus commersonii, of Tierra del Fuego, 1976-1984, with a review of information on the species." (1988)
Auteurs: Goodall, R.N.P., A.R. Galeazzi, Leatherwood, K.W., K.W. Miller, I.S. Cameron, Kastelein, R.A., A.P. Sobral
Gepubliceerd in: South Atlantic. Sc/36/SM8: 3-70.
"Distribution, abundance, reproduction and behaviour of Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) in Prince William Sound, Alaska." (1990)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., F.C. Weltz
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals, 15.4,145-157.
"Information on the biology of Commerson's dolphins (Cephalorhynchus commersonii)." (1993)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., McBain, J., Neurohr, B.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals 19(1), 13-19.


"Food consumption, body measurements and weight changes of a female Killer whale (Orcinus orca)." (1989)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Vaughan, N.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals, Vol. 15.1:18-21.
"The food consumption of Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus)." (1990)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Vaughan, N., Wiepkema, P.R.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals, 15.4, 137-144.
"The food consumption of Grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) in human care." (1990)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Wiepkema, P.R., Vaughan, N.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals 15.4,171-180.
"The food consumption of South African fur seals (Arctocephalus pussilus) in the Harderwijk Marine Mammal Park." (1990)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., I. Verhoeven, Wiepkema, P.R.
Gepubliceerd in: Int. Zoo Yearb. (Eds. P.J.S. Olney, P. Ellis and B. Sommerfelt) The Zool. Soc. of London. 29, 175-179.
"The food consumption of Southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina)." (1991)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Kershaw, J., Wiepkema, P.R.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals 17(2),76-87.
"The food consumption of Commerson's dolphins (Cephalorhynchus commersonii)." (1993)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., McBain, J., Neurohr, B., Mohri, M., Saijo, S., Wakabayashi, I., Wiepkema, P.R.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquat. Mamm. 19(2), 99-121.
"Effective mass transfer in a suckling Grey seal (Halichoerus grypus)." (1994)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Wiepkema, P.R., Berghout, E., Groenenberg, H.J.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals 20(1), 11-27.
"Food consumption, growth and reproduction of Belugas (Delphinapterus leucas) in human care." (1994)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Ford, J., Berghout, E., Wiepkema, P.R., Boxsel, M.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals 20(2), 81-97.
"The food consumption of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens)." (1995)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Kershaw, J., Berghout, E., Wiepkema, P.R.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals 21(1), 43-53.
"Food consumption and body weight of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena)." (1997)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Hardeman, J., Boer, H.
Gepubliceerd in: The biology of the harbour porpoise (Eds. Read, A.J., Wiepkema, P.R. and Nachtigall, P.E.). De Spil Publishers, Woerden, The Netherlands, 217-233.
"Food consumption and growth of marine mammals. Ph.D. Thesis." (1998)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A.
Gepubliceerd in: De Spil Publishers, Woerden, The Netherlands, 647 pp.
"Food consumption and body measurements of Amazon river dolphins (Inia geoffrensis)." (1999)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Neurohr, B., Nieuwstraten, S.H., Wiepkema, P.R.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals 25.3, 173-182.
"Food consumption, growth, body dimensions, and respiration rates of captive false killer whales (Pseudorca crassidens)." (2000)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Mosterd, J, Schooneman, N.M., Wiepkema, P.R.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals, 26.1, 33-44.
"Food consumption and Growth of California Sea Lions (Zalophus californianus californianus)." (2000)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Schooneman, N.M., Vaughan, N., Wiepkema, P.R.
Gepubliceerd in: Zoo Biology 143-159.
"Food Consumption and Growth of a female Dusky Dolphin (Lagenorhynchus obscurus)." (2000)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Elst, van der, C.A., Tennant, H.K., Wiepkema, P.R.
Gepubliceerd in: Zoo Biology 131-142.
"A note on food consumption and growth of common dolphins (Delphinus delphis)." (2000)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Macdonald, G.J., Wiepkema, P.R.
Gepubliceerd in: J. Cetacean Research and Management 2(1),69-73.
"Food consumption of a captive female killer whale (Orcinus orca)." (2000)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Walton, S., Odell, D., Nieuwstraten, S.H., Wiepkema, P.R.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals 26 (2), 127-131.
"Food consumption and body weight of captive Pacific walruses (Odobenus rosmarus divergens)." (2000)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Schooneman, N.M., Wiepkema, P.R.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals 26(3), 175-190.
"Food intake and body measurements of Atlantic bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in captivity." (2002)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Vaughan, N., Walton, S., Wiepkema, P.R.
Gepubliceerd in: Marine Environmental Research 53, 199-218.
"Food consumption, growth and food passage times in Pacific Walrus Odobenus rosmarus divergens pups at Harderwijk Marine Mammal Park." (2003)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Klasen, W.J.C., Postma, J., Boer, H., Wiepkema, P.R.
Gepubliceerd in: International Zoo Yearbook, 38, 192-203.
"Food consumption and suckling of Killer whales Orcinus orca at Marineland, Antibes." (2003)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Kershaw, J., Berghout, E., Wiepkema, P.R.
Gepubliceerd in: International Zoo Yearbook, 38, 204-218.
"Food consumption, food passage time, and body measurements of captive bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus)." (2003)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Staal, C., Wiepkema, P.R.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals 29(1), 53-66.
"Food Consumption and Body Mass of Captive Harbor Seals (Phoca vitulina)." (2005)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Staal, C., Wiepkema, P.R.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals, 31(1), 34-42.
"Seasonal changes in food consumption, respiration rate, and body condition of a male harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena)." (2018)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Helder-Hoek, L., Jennings, N.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals, 44, 76-91, DOI 10.1578/AM.44.1.2018.76.
"Reduction in body mass and blubber thickness of harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) due to near-fasting for 24 hours in four seasons." (2019)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Helder-Hoek, L., Jennings, N., van Kester, R., Huisman, R.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals, 45 37-47. DOI 10.1578/AM.45.1.2019.37.
"High levels of food intake in harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena): Insight into recovery from disturbance." (2019)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Helder-Hoek, L., Booth, C., Jennings, N., Leopold, M.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals, 45(4), 380-388, DOI 10.1578/AM.45.4.2019.380.


"Inclusion of Cetaceans Within the Order Artiodactyla Based on Phylogenetic Analysis of Pancreatic Ribonuclease Genes." (1999)
Auteurs: Kleineidam, R.G., Pesole, G., Breukelman, H.J., Beintema, J.J., Kastelein, R.A.
Gepubliceerd in: J. Mol. Evol. 48, 360-368.


"A safe and standardizable technique to identify individual dolphins in human care." (1988)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., T. Dokter.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals, 14.1, 13-20.
"Improving parental care of a female bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) by training." (1995)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Mosterd, J.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals 21, 165-169.


"Walrus (Odobenus rosmarus)." (2001)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A.
Gepubliceerd in: Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals. Editors: W.F. Perrin, J.G.M. Thewissen and B. Würsig. Academic press, 1294-1300.
"Walrus (Odobenus rosmarus)." (2009)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A.
Gepubliceerd in: Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals. 2nd edition. Editors: W.F. Perrin, B. Würsig, and J.G.M. Thewissen. San Diego, Elsevier, 1212-1217.


"Assessment of cleaning and rehabilitation procedures using live otters." (1986)
Auteurs: Davis, R.W., Thomas, J.A., Williams, T.M., Kastelein, R.A.
Gepubliceerd in: Pages 59-99. In Sea otter oil spill mitigation study. Report No. MMS-86-0009 to Minerals Management Service, Los Angeles.
"The effects of oil contamination and cleaning on sea otters (Enhydra lutris). 1. Thermoregulatory implication based on pelt studies." (1988)
Auteurs: Williams, T.M., Kastelein, R.A., Davis, R.W., Thomas, J.A.
Gepubliceerd in: Can. J. Zool. 66,2776-2781.
"The effects of oil contamination and cleaning on sea otters (Enhydra lutris). II. Metabolism, thermoregulation, and behavior." (1988)
Auteurs: Davis, R.W., Williams, T.M., Thomas, J.A., Kastelein, R.A., L.H. Cornell
Gepubliceerd in: Can. J. Zool. 66: 2782-2790. DOI: 10.13140/2.1.2317.4082.
"Respiratory arrhytmia in the hearts of Harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena)." (1989)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., F.L. Meijler
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals, 15.4, 137-144.
"Adaptations of marine mammals to diving." (1990)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A.
Gepubliceerd in: Proc. Kon. Ned. Akad. v. Wetensch. 93(4), 427-430.
"Apparent digestive efficiency in walruses (Odobenus rosmarus) fed herring (Clupea harengus) and clams (Spisula sp.)." (1992)
Auteurs: Fisher, K.I., R.E.A. Steward, Kastelein, R.A., L.D. Campbell
Gepubliceerd in: Can. J. Zool. 70, 30-36.
"Skin surface temperature changes in a harbour porpoise." (1997)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Koene, P., Nieuwstraten, S.H., Labberté, S.
Gepubliceerd in: The biology of the harbour porpoise (Eds. Read, A.J., Wiepkema, P.R. and Nachtigall, P.E.). De Spil Publishers, Woerden, The Netherlands, 255-264.
"Passage time of carmine red dye through the digestive tract of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena)." (1997)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Nieuwstraten, S.H., Verstegen, M.W.A.
Gepubliceerd in: The biology of the harbour porpoise (Eds. Read, A.J., Wiepkema, P.R. and Nachtigall, P.E.). De Spil Publishers, Woerden, The Netherlands, 265-275.
"Respiration in harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena)." (1997)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Vaughan, N., Groenenberg, H.J., Boekholt, H., Schreurs, V.
Gepubliceerd in: The biology of the harbour porpoise (Eds. Read, A.J., Wiepkema, P.R. and Nachtigall, P.E.). De Spil Publishers, Woerden, The Netherlands, 203-215.
"Gas exchange and heart rate in the harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena)." (2000)
Auteurs: Reed, J. Z., Chambers, C., Hunter, C. J., Lockyer, C., Kastelein, R.A., Fedak, M. A., Boutilier, R. G.
Gepubliceerd in: J.Comp. Physiol B 170, 1-10.
"Behaviour and Physiological effects of transmitter attachments on a captive harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena)." (2004)
Auteurs: Geertsen, B.M., Teilmann, J., Kastelein, R.A., Vlemmix, H.N.J., Miller, L.A.
Gepubliceerd in: J. Cetacean Research Management 6(2), 139-146.

Population estimates

"Estimate of numbers of Commerson's dolphins in a portion of the northeastern Strait of Magellan, January-February 1984." (1988)
Auteurs: Leatherwood, J., Kastelein, R.A., P.S. Hammond
Gepubliceerd in: I.W.C. meeting Eastborne May 1984. SC/36/SM7:85-92.
"Distribution and behaviour of Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) In Prince William Sound, Alaska, June 1989." (1991)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., F.C. Weltz
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals 17(2), 91-97.
"The Status of the Harbour Porpoise, Phocoena phocoena, in Dutch Waters and the State of Related Research in the Netherlands: An Overview." (1996)
Auteurs: Reijnders, P.J.H., Leopold, M.F., Camphuysen, C.J., Heessen, H.J.L., Kastelein, R.A.
Gepubliceerd in: Rep. Int. Whal. Commn. 46, 607-611.

Rehabilitation of stranded cetaceans

"The medical treatment of 3 stranded Harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena)." (1990)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Bakker, M., Dokter, T.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals 15.4,181-202.
"A swimming support for dolphins undergoing veterinary care." (1995)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Dokter, T., Hilgenkamp, J.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals 21(2), 155-159.
"The rehabilitation and release of stranded harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena)." (1997)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Bakker, M.J., Staal, C.
Gepubliceerd in: The biology of the harbour porpoise (Eds. Read, A.J., Wiepkema, P.R. and Nachtigall, P.E.). De Spil Publishers, Woerden, The Netherlands, 9-61.
"A method for tube-feeding juvenile harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena)." (1997)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Schooneman, N.M., Staal, C., Boer, H.
Gepubliceerd in: The biology of the harbour porpoise (Eds. Read, A.J., Wiepkema, P.R. and Nachtigall, P.E.). De Spil Publishers, Woerden, The Netherlands, 63-83.
"Cutaneous Papillonmavirus infection in a harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) from the North Sea." (1999)
Auteurs: Van Bressem, M-F., Kastelein, R.A., Flamant, P., Orth, G.
Gepubliceerd in: Veterinary Record 144, 592-593.
"Evaluating the use of diazepam in stranded dolphins and porpoises for husbandry and veterinary purposes." (2023)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Bakker, M.J., Jennings, N., Covi-Dijkhuizen, J.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals 49(1), 94-103, DOI 10.1578/AM.49.1.2023.94.

Sensory systems other than hearing

"The sensitivity of the vibrissae of a Pacific walrus (Odobenus rosmarus divergens). Part 1." (1988)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., van Gaalen, M.A.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals, 48(1), 36-58, DOI 10.1578/AM.48.1.2022.36.
"The tactile sensitivity of the mystacial vibrissae of a Pacific Walrus (Odobenus rosmarus divergens) Part II: Masking." (1990)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Stevens, S., Mosterd, P.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals 16,78-87.
"A potential substrate for geomagnetic sensibility in cetaceans." (1990)
Auteurs: Gerrits, N.M., Kastelein, R.A.
Gepubliceerd in: Sensory abilities of cetaceans/Laboratory and field evidence (Eds. J.A. Thomas and R.A. Kastelein) Plenum Press, New York, 31-38.

Welfare (occupational therapy)

"The significance of training for the behaviour of Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubata) in human care." (1988)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Wiepkema, P.R.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals.14.1, 39-41.
"The use of molluscs to occupy Pacific Walruses (Odobenus rosmarus divergens) in human care." (1989)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Wiepkema, P.R., Slegtenhorst, C.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals 15(1), 6-8.
"The excavation technique for molluscs of Pacific Walruses (Odobenus rosmarus divergens) under controlled conditions." (1989)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., P. Mosterd, Slegtenhorst, C.
Gepubliceerd in: Aquatic Mammals, Vol. 15.1:3-5.
"The excavation technique for molluscs of Pacific Walruses (Odobenus rosmarus divergens) under controlled conditions." (1990)
Auteurs: Poole, T.B., Kastelein, R.A.
Gepubliceerd in: Ratel 17(4), 108-115.
"Food dispensers as occupational therapy for the Walrus (Odobenus rosmarus divergens) at the Harderwijk Marine Mammal Park." (1991)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., M. Paasse, P. Klinkhamer, Wiepkema, P.R.
Gepubliceerd in: Int. Zoo YB. 30,207-212.
"Feeding enrichment methods for Pacific walrus (Odobenus rosmarus divergens) calves." (2007)
Auteurs: Kastelein, R.A., Jennings, N., Postma, J.
Gepubliceerd in: Zoo Biology 26(3), 175-186.

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